Friday, March 26, 2010

Planning for school year 2010/2011

I've been having fun researching curricula and materials with next year's homeschool adventure in mind. If enrolled in public school my eldest dd would be in fifth grade and my son in third grade for the 2010/2011 school year. I'll admit to being eclectic with tendencies towards relaxed, child led in as far as I pay close attention towards their interests, likes, dislikes, and am quite willing to ditch what isn't working, and a fair amount of the curricula I'm interested in happens to be of interest to some classical homeschoolers, though I couldn't possibly be. I'm not into Latin (yet! lol) and while I find the Trivium interesting and it makes sense I don't fret over fitting our experiences into that box.

 I've ordered from Rainbow Resource in the past and plan to again. In fact, I've spent countless hours as of late 'perfecting' my Wish List! While nursing the little one and in the wee hours of the night while everyone else in the house is sleeping (I would say and quiet, but my partner often snores) I've been clicking away, researching and reading reviews. Here's what I've come up with so far-

Singapore Math 3A/3B - We'll use this level for both children.
Kumon workbooks - To supplement Math,  all of the grades 3 & 4 workbooks
2-colored plastic counters, 100
angle ruler
Baby Bears Balance Set - I reckon we'll all have fun with this, especially the toddler
Deluxe Fraction Circles
Fraction Tower Cube Equivalency Set
Hexagram Metric Weights, set of 54
Linking Metric Cubes
Platform Scale
SAFE-T School Kit 
View-Thru Base Ten Blocks Starter Set
View-Thru Geometric Solids, 14 pieces

Of course we'll see if our purse strings will be able to loosen enough to make this Wish List ought but fantasy! In the past we've not spent quite so much, and in the future I'm prepared to be a bit more thrifty. I think we can afford to spend a bit more this year and want to do so. Most everything I've bought we'll be able to reuse for my youngest and while we do have some manipulatives and supplemental items it would be useful and fun to have more. I'll be back to post more as I have time! I think I'll focus on my Science choices next...

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